About Us
Our Team:
David L. Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP is the founding director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center. He is a board certified specialist in both Internal Medicine and Preventive Medicine/Public Health and founder and president of the non-profit Turn the Tide Foundation. His role in ABE for fitness was to conceive the program and provide oversight.
Tiffany Esser, CPT is your online personal trainer for ABE. She helped design many of the great high energy workouts you can find on our site. So come join her, it’s time to get moving!
Stephan Esser USPTA, MD is a Clinical Fellow at Harvard Medical School and a resident physician at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. He is a strong believer in the power of personal choices and is proud to be a part of the ABE Team. He invites you to get your Bursts of activity in everyday, everywhere.
Valentina Vinante, MD is a visiting Resident Physician in Preventive Medicine and Public Health from the University of Florence in Italy. Her role was to coordinate the program development and provide support for the research.